Inside our bellies, we have an extensive intestinal lining covering more than 4,000 square feet (8-9 meters in length) of surface area. It does not "leak out" when working properly because of the tight barrier controlling what gets absorbed into the bloodstream. However, an unhealthy gut lining will swell as it becomes irritated and then inflamed, stretching the inner membrane, thus increasing the permeability of the gut wall, allowing partially digested food, toxins, and microorganisms to penetrate the tissues beneath it. When these foreign particles get into the bloodstream, the immune system goes into a reaction mode and can even create antibodies against its own tissues. As a result, the gut becomes "leaky," which triggers systemic inflammation. Further changes in your gut flora (healthy bacteria) occur, which usually leads to problems within the digestive tract and beyond.
When the semipermeable layer in your gut is compromised and allows toxins to enter your bloodstream, you experience adverse effects.
What causes a leaky gut?
- Toxins such as~food preservatives, heavy metals, fluoride chloride,
- Dental mercury
- Antibiotics and antifungals
- Processed foods
- Glyphosate, which is a widely used herbicide, and other pesticides
- Pesticides include all kinds of chemicals, biological agents, or disinfectants that get rid of pests. Herbicides are a type of pesticide used to target weeds and other unwanted plants specifically.
And not to mention that as people age and they get closer to their 40's, in some people, it happens sooner; they lose up to 70% of their digestive enzyme production. Causing the body to slow down, not get enough nutrients, be flooded with inflammation, lowering their immune system response, and causing degeneration in the entire system, all coming from the gut. Without sufficient digestive enzymes, your body cannot recover the way it used to.
- Inflammation
- Fatigue
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Digestive disorders
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Joint pain
- Difficulty concentrating
- Skin problems, such as acne, rashes, and eczema
The increased intestinal permeability plays a role in certain gastrointestinal conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. However, the biggest question is whether or not a leaky gut may cause problems elsewhere in the body. Studies show that leaky gut may be associated with other autoimmune diseases (lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and skin diseases), chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, acne, obesity, and even mental illness. As Dr.Nuzum says," Clinical experience shows us a definite cause and effect."
Leaky gut syndrome is often misunderstood and nearly always undiagnosed. Unfortunately, it has become an epidemic in modern times, as evidence shows the current epidemic of allergies and chronic diseases amongst many people.
We all have the ability to help our bodies in the process of healing from illnesses, such as leaky gut syndrome. By taking the following actions, you can nurture your body and help restore your body's optimal health naturally.
Reduce stress and have gratitude
Stress has many different adverse effects on the body and expresses itself in several ways. Concerning leaky gut, stress reduces adrenal sufficiency. As the adrenal glands become stressed beyond their capacity to adapt, they go into a sympathetic nervous system cycle. This reduces the activity of the hydrochloric acid-producing cells in the stomach (stomach acid production). Stop and give yourself a moment before you eat. Center yourself, pray, and be grateful for the abundance you have in your life before each meal and throughout your day. This is a simple act that can truly begin to change your life and stress levels. Make sure to get enough sleep and consider integrating a meditation practice into your day-to-day life. Destress and "slow down"; your health depends on it.
This Fulvic Acid product can enhance acid production in the stomach, which is extremely important for the proper breakdown of foods and absorption of nutrients. All of the biochemical processes of digestion start with stomach acid. It can also stimulate the production of enzymes in your gut and pancreas while enhancing the activity of the probiotics in your gut.
Apple cider vinegar is an acid that helps to balance the contents of your stomach. It aids in speeding up how fast your stomach empties. Apple cider vinegar contains healing properties from acetic acid, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, and naturally present probiotics. You can make a tonic so it is diluted and doesn't irritate the esophagus, or add it to your raw foods, such as your salad dressing, to reap the benefits. You will find that adding apple cider vinegar to your diet will brighten your skin, alleviate acid reflux, and reduce allergy symptoms.
Taking a supplement 30 minutes before your meal will assist your body in breaking down meals. When looking for digestive enzymes, choose one that has fulvic acid, ginger root, licorice root, and probiotics. Dr. Nuzum's Gut Health combines plant-based digestive enzymes and probiotics, which is a great option. For a more substantial assist in protein digestion, you might be interested in Nuzum's Digest. Also, Ful-Biotic is a probiotic plus, totaling over 22 billion colony forming units (CFU) per dose. The specific microbe strains that make Ful-Biotic so beneficial were chosen for their effectiveness and compatibility.
Your digestive system is compromised when suffering from leaky gut syndrome. Digestive enzymes offer your gut some assistance in breaking down and absorbing the nutrients from each meal more readily. In addition, supplementing with probiotics will re-colonize your GI tract with "healthful" microbes that act as your ally. By repopulating the gut with the good beneficial bacteria, these microbes heal your gut, reduce the impact of environmental toxins, and perform aspects of the digestive process themselves.
Ginger root (like that found in Inflamagone) enhances stomach acid production, which is the key factor in breaking down our food. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the gut, as well as antioxidant effects. In addition, it has soothing properties that help to settle upset stomachs and reduce heartburn. Add a piece of fresh ginger to your morning smoothies, or look for recipes that have ginger in their list of ingredients. Ginger has benefits in all of its forms: fresh, dried, powdered, or juiced. Try ginger tea.
Smaller meals throughout the day are best! Remember, anything you eat that isn't absorbed and utilized becomes toxic waste, causing inflammation and more work for your digestive system.
Try your best to avoid eating three to four hours before you go to bed. This reduces stress on the GI tract and gives your body time to digest your food. This is particularly important to practice as you get older. We tend to produce fewer and fewer enzymes as we age, not to mention that the quality of enzymes we have also reduces. As we progress through life, we digest fewer foods and tolerate fewer things, and with that comes a rise in food allergies. Food allergies are an irritant to the GI tract, directly causing a leaky gut.
Be mindful of what your body is telling you so you can address your symptoms and heal from leaky gut syndrome. We can heal ourselves from the inside out with the proper care and knowledge at our fingertips. However, it can take more prolonged and more concentrated effort to recover from it when left untreated.
If you would like help, please reach out to us at, and we will gladly assist you in getting to your optimal health naturally.