2-Week Detox Program

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$167.81 $186.45
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Manage your toxic burden:

This 2-Week Detox program is designed to break the cycle of irritation and inflammation by helping your body detoxify in a safe and beneficial way. It detoxes your liver, gallbladder, colon, intestines, and lymphatic system, making it a whole-body detox.

We are bombarded by more toxic materials than we can reasonably metabolize and eliminate. When compromised over and over again by daily infiltrations that are impossible to completely escape, the body cannot eliminate the toxins as fast as they are coming in, and it becomes overtaxed.

A few signals your body may be in need of a detox:

  • chronic inflammation causing aches and pains
  • regular headaches
  • brain fog
  • increased allergies
  • poor digestion
  • skin problems
  • consistently tired
  • unable to lose weight

The specific formulations that make this detox program so effective are:

  • Equalizer Concentrate: Fulvic acid can help “repair” and “recycle” fragmented elements in the cell, converting waste into usable nutrition.
  • Digestive Detox: Various herbs, fiber, and probiotics, which all interact together to improve digestion and relieve intestinal complications.
  • Super Curcuminoids: Curcumin can help regulate COX/LOX enzymes. These enzymes are released within our cells naturally in response to irritation which is responsible for inflammation.
  • Black Brew: Elements in this formula bond to heavy metals in the gut before they can be absorbed and enhance thyroid, liver, kidney, and cardiovascular functions. Black Brew also can help with hormone balance and eye health.


What age is appropriate to start detoxing?

  • The 2 Week Detox Program is best for teenage years and up.

Can you take other products while doing the 2 Week Detox?

  • Dr. Nuzum doesn't recommend it, but it's up to each individual person.

What do I do after the 2 Week Detox?

Why can't I drink coffee during this program?

  • Coffee should be off the list during this program because it raises cortisol levels, stresses the adrenal glands, and will contribute to sugar cravings.

How does eliminating sugar help me detox?

  • When you reduce your sugar intake and cortisol at the same time, you increase your insulin sensitivity, which helps to balance hormones, normalize mood swings, support weight-loss, and increase energy.

Is the Detox Handbook a physical copy?

  • No, the Detox Handbook will be emailed to you digitally.


This program is not to be followed by pregnant or nursing mothers as it is not recommended to detox during these times.

Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Kelly Schoen
2 Week Detox Program

Tried to do it exactly as stated even soaking all the nuts/seeds. Do that the night before! Coffee cravings disappeared for the first time in 35+ years. Lost four pounds. Energy was good but not terrific. Mood was level, no yo yo patterns like I have had on other detox protocols. Brain function is measurably better as seen by increase in Peak brain scores (a game ap that tests language, memory, problem solving, focus, mental agility, emotion, and coordination). The only score that didn't increase over the 2 week period was problem solving (level). Brain fog better. Joints better, not as achy. Craved ice cream for some reason (this is unusual for me, I almost never eat ice cream, maybe 1 time every 2 or 3 months, and can't remember another duration like this where I craved it so much). The book says if you crave sweets eat fruit, garlic, or sulfur type foods, so I did. Still wanted the ice cream. Overall, very glad I did it. Increased my vegetable consumption significantly.

Veronica MORRIS
It works great

Following thec2 week protocol with these products have helped with detoxing, less bloating, less craving of sweets, and overall feeling lighter and sharper.

2-week Detox

Just finished the two detox and feeling a bit lighter. I will continue to use these products for maintenance.

2 - week detox program

Amazing products. Feel my body healing daily on program..was tough to be disciplined with vegetables eating - well worth once my body near end of 2weeks I feel so less tense more clarity much more cleansed in skin, mind and gained appreciation for good food in process that gives me overwhelming life and energized daily !

I truest Recommend this program 100% . I’m from Uk, Ireland and so glad this nutrients and detox was available .

Thank you again Dr Nuzum.

2 week detox

I ordered the 2 week detox after reading Dr. Nuzum's book on detox. I had no idea if I would notice any results from this detox but really liked the premise behind it. During my detox I felt more sleepy than usual but otherwise had no negative effects. In fact, I felt great. After I finished I noticed my brain fog had cleared, I felt generally healthier, I'd been able to drop some fat that I hadn't been able to shed and my memory had improved. I am extremely pleased with he results of this detox and plan to do it again in the future.

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